Thursday, September 3, 2009

Thursday means the weekend starts!

Hola!  Well the Spanish is getting a little better.  I gave someone directions in the combination English/Spanish and French (that just pops in my head at the inopportune times) I have, but he didn't give me weird looks so I look at that as positive!  It's been a couple of down days and by down I mean depressing!  One- I'm leaving here in a couple days and beginning the "touristy" part of the vacation.  Not really a downer, but leaving here will be difficult.  The people I've met and the job we've done will remain with me.  The 2nd downer is the education we've learned in the last couple of days on the "Shining Path" and "MRTA" and their involvement in the history of Peru.  We saw a photograph and video exhibit in the National Museum here explaining what it was all about and then heard a talk of the history of Villa El Salvador which includes a good part involving the Shining Path.  Not good times for Peru.  Then as a 3rd downer, we saw the cemetery of Villa El Salvador today and it's nothing like a cemetery I've ever seen before.  (Pictures on my Facebook Page) On the positive side, we saw the Main Market today and wish I could have taken video of it, totally unreal! (Sister Jacci advised strongly against it for fear of theft). There were whole hanging chickens followed by sides of beef, some tripe and then the fish area.  Then moving right along there were men and women on sewing machines fixing peoples clothes on-the-spot!  A wild place.  My last day at Los Martincitos is tomorrow, but said goodbye to Sister Jacci today as she's leaving early tomorrow morning for a conference with the UN in Mexico City.  Going out to eat this evening- perhaps tonight's the night for cuy!  This is probably the last blog till I get to Cusco.  Until next time, Salud!

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