Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Back now for 2 weeks...

And now it's the reflective part, putting all the pictures together, wondering how I'm going to fit them all on one CD I promised to send the other volunteers.  Oh yeah, I'm also trying to find a job or open a business as well.  So how much of my day do I devote to the trip aftermath?  And how much time do I spend figuring out my next move?  I discovered I need a routine.  Of course when I do have a routine, I try to deviate from it as much as possible.  But at least I have one.  For now, it's waking up later (7:30!) and trying not to turn on the TV or the computer.  But to find a job, I really need the computer! and then as a break from my computer searching, I can reach over to the remote and turn the TV on!  And so it goes...

Oh yeah, this blog was supposed to be about Peru.  One thing I learned being there is I enjoyed writing this, so now I would invite you to read my other blog (brand new!) - as I really can't ramble on in a blog called Mike in Peru!

So it's been fun writing this, but as the trip is over, so is this blog.  In closing, I found Peru to be a country I would like to return to, providing I be proficient in Spanish.  I will most likely travel with Cross Cultural Solutions again and if you have a chance to have a Pisco Sour or see a Peruvian Jazz Band, DO IT!  As for eating guinea pig, you'll have to make that choice yourself.
Cheers, Mike

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