Wednesday, August 19, 2009

3 Days and counting..

It's a week of wrapping everything up before I go. The ride to the airport is all set (Thanks Amanda), but it's the little details I keep forgetting. Stop the mail? No problem, did it last week. Stop the newspaper? Ditto. Travel Alarm Clock? Check. But ear plugs? Actually a good idea, so it's on the list for tomorrow to get. If these little items aren't enough, I'm asked what type of government is in Peru? yes, he admitted it would be a good idea to know some basics before you visit the country. So here goes- Peru is a democratic republic and has had a constitution since 1993. It's president is Alan Garcia and was elected in 2006 for a five year term. While I'm at it, Peru has a population of about 30 million people with a literacy rate of almost 91% (which is considered really good for a poor country. Some of it's chief exports are copper, coffee, potatoes (which there are over 400 varieties) asparagus and Guinea Pigs (which are considered a delicacy)! They're on Eastern Standard time, but do not follow Daylight Savings, so they're an hour behind me here in Connecticut. And the western coast of Peru is where I'll be and thus enjoying the Pacific Ocean! Three days and counting.. Cheers, Mike

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